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Monday, August 18, 2008

Last post for tonight. This week's give away is for "The Art of Resin Jewelry" by Sherri Haab. Tell me about a letter or card that really lifted your spirits like the 2 examples I talked about in my last post. You can either post or email your story to me at the following email address: millan0206@yahoo.com. On Saturday, I'll pick a winner. Dawn, please email your address so I can mail out to you "Organizing Your Craft Space".


Dawn @ alteredartists said...

I love your get involved links, very nice to see a principal with principals!
I have wanted to try resin for awhile so the book wold have a great home with me. :)
A letter that meant a lot, it is not one that I recieved but rather one that I wrote on someone elses behalf. My mother in law was in the end stages of cancer and had lost the ability to write. Since I was spending the day with her and would journal while she slept, I had all my stuff with me. I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to write down~ oh boy~ what a gift that moment brought. She wanted to leave notes for all her 7 kids with parting wisdom from her. I was so glad to have asked and had the time to write it down for her.
Stephanie Wright

Roseann Cazares said...

I was very moved by your words. I am going to cheat and not wait until Saturday to pick a winner for this week's giveaway. No one will do a better job of describing the power of a letter! Please send me your address so I can get this book out to you ASAP!