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Friday, July 11, 2008

Today, I spent a good part of my day at the Huntington Museum. I have been wanting to see the "This Side of Paradise Body and Landscape in Los Angeles Photographs" show since it opened in June. It was amazing! The above photo is by Larry Sultan. The exhibit runs until September and I get the feeling I will be back at least 1 more time before it closes. And of course, I bought the book. It has an expensive price tag, but it is worth every penny. For more information, go to http://www.huntington.org/.

Because the weather was so comfortable, I spent quite a lot of time photographing the gardens. The gardens NEVER look the same. Each season has its own show. And because I am member, I try to take advantage of getting to the Huntingon a few times a year to photograph the change of season.
This is a shot of 1 of the sides of the Huntington residence. In the almost 2o years I have been going to the Huntington, today was the first time I noticed the statues on the side of the residence. Until today, I had never been on this side of the house. I LOVE the columns next to the statue. It appears that the columns and statue were all carved together.

Mexican sunflowers are my favorite of all sunflowers. I am not used to seeing the sunflowers this early since I associate the fall being the time of year when they bloom.

Today was a day of 1st's! I have never seen a purple magnolia. But here is 1 to challenge that notion that magnolias are only white!
Speaking of magnolias, look at these beauties! All along my street and in my neighborhood here in Pasadena, the magnolias are putting on a show for all of us.

The lilies-of-the-Nile were the first beauties I saw as I strolled through the gardens. What an amazingly gorgeous blue!

This part of the Huntington has been closed to the public for over a year. It recently re-opened. It is in the area directly behind the Huntington residence. And it offers a spectacular view of Los Angeles. I took a couple of panorama shots from this area.

Lastly, an apricot tree that needs just a little more time for its fruits to ripen. I liked how the branches are spread out and the apricots are like little jewels giving this tree its beauty.

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