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Sunday, April 13, 2008

I spent the weekend by taking Lynne Perrella's "Nesting Instinct" workshop @ my dear friend, Carol's wonderful home/studio. The class was very inspirational. Lynne is 1 of my favorite artists. In fact, I discovered Lynne's artwork about 10 years ago - when I got interested in rubber-stamping and collage. I have about 2 dozen of Lynne's stamps in my collection. They are by far, my favorite images. Since this class' theme was nesting, I started off by taking a shot of a bowl of birds' eggs that I asked someone to hold for me. Look @ those beautiful, muted colors and spots on the eggs. Next, well, I started to think about what does my 'nest' consist of . Early into the workshop, Lynne asked each of us that very question. For me, the answer is simple: it begins with my husband. I told the group of artists that we have moved over a dozen times since we got married. Our current place is for sale, so that means we will be moving again as soon as it sells. But going back to my 'nest'; my 'nest' is anywhere my husband is. He is 'home'. Anyway, the shot of us was taken about a month ago. My husband used his computer to shoot this picture of us. We took the picture about 5 minutes before I walked out the door and headed to work. The 3rd picture is a tease - it is part of what I created in Lynne's class. This is a piece of a large collage. I turned the collage into a book. I am going to use the book to journal in - these are a couple of pages from the book. I made the eggs by making an egg-shaped stencil, then sponging paint into the stencil, and lastly, adding the details such as the spots, with a very thin brush. I spent a lot of time creating these eggs! The last photo is a grouping of tags all the artists made. 1 of the women, Jill, got sick last night. She got food poisoning and couldn't finish the class today. She got so sick, that her husband had to pick up her stuff this morning. So, we each created a tag for Jill to make her feel like she was with us, even if it was in spirit only! But Jill made out - these are terrific! My tag is the 1 in the middle, with the blue ribbon. Tomorrow, I will post more of my work from Lynne's class.

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