Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to share my art and adventures as an administrator with others. Thank you for making the time to view my blog and giving me your input.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good morning from Pasadena!  Happy fall!  This is my favorite time of the year.  The other day, I found these acorns in my front yard while I was watering the roses.  I can't believe that it has been 9 months since my last post!  Time continues to fly at a very fast pace for me.  And as my adorable niece continues to say to me, "you need to stop and smell the roses".  Well, if I can't smell the roses, I can at least water them!  Have a great Sunday doing whatever makes your heart sing...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012, everyone!  I took this photo while we were up in Cambria recently.  My Christmas break is quickly winding down.  I can't believe I spent most of my 3 weeks off sick!  I was sick while we were up in N. California, but I still had a great time.  In those 5 days, we were all over the coast!  We spent a couple of days in Cambria, then San Francisco.  My husband teased me that I must have felt crappy since we didn't hit "Flax" (Kelly, hold on to your seat!).  I wasn't up to much shopping - I can't believe I am even saying this since I am the biggest paper whore out there.  But the weather was so amazingly gorgeous while we were there, I didn't want to spend the time going through every piece of paper in the store and instead, chose to spend time outdoors in San Francisco and Berkeley.  I spent a good chunk of time reading, resting, shooting photos, and enjoying the ocean and water.  While on this break, I finished my second Frida journal that I started back in November.  I was on a roll with making new artwork!  I can't say I will blog more in 2012, but I will try.  I know once I get back to work, the job takes priority.  But I am committed to starting a new journal this week and I am already working on Valentine's Day stuff.
It feels like the holidays just flew right by this year!  Wasn't it just Christmas? It seems like we blinked and there went the day and its magic.  I spent a good chunk of time prior to Christmas (and post-Christmas) looking for a very elusive white, artificial tree.  I usually put up 2 trees each holiday season - my little pink tree shown here and a much larger, green tree.  After I put this tree up during Thanksgiving weekend, I went into the garage to take the larger tree out of the box, only to discover that the larger tree was no longer around;  we had tossed it out last year!  I forgot all about it.  So, the hunt was on for a new tree.  This year I decided to go with a white, artificial tree, something different like the pink tree.  Suffice to say, it NEVER happened!  A white tree was impossible for me to find anywhere!  I guess next year, I will either have to start looking earlier or go back to a green tree...