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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today, I finally feel like I am back to my old self. I got some kind of bug last weekend. I was sick for several days and just felt totally crappy. Work, however, does not care if you feel crappy! It has been an extremely busy week at work. Whenever I can steal a free moment in the evening, I use the time to make art. Besides the gym, it is a good release for my stress. Last week, I posted a photo of a canvas that had a bunch of decorative papers glued to it. It was the beginning of a piece I am curently working on. These photos show steps 2 and 3. Step 2 is the bottom photo. Step 3 is the photo above. Right now, I am working on adding the collage elements. I now have a better idea of where this piece is going. If all goes well, I will finish this off over the weekend. I am anxious to finish this piece since I am fighting a deadline. Once it is completed, I can start working on a piece that is a gift for a very special friend.

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